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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Yeast Infections In Men

Yeast Infections In Men

Most people never really consider that men can have yeast infections, but they can and do. Probably the most common yeast infection a man can suffer is one that affects his penis. This is usually picked up from a woman who has a vaginal yeast infection and can be quite painful. Many men are not even aware that they have a yeast infection, and only become aware of it when their partner seeks medical help for her infection. A course of treatment will be prescribed for the man, too, even if he has no symptoms, to keep him from reinfecting her.

A man who has certain medical conditions is more apt to suffer from yeast infections. Diabetes is one of these factors, and it is thought that the excess sugar being shed in the urine provides extra nutrient for the yeast, allowing it to proliferate. Anyone with AIDS will be aware of how easy it is to acquire one of these yeast infections. Men being treated for cancer or undergoing a round of immunosuppressant drugs (like prednisone) is also more likely to develop a male yeast infection.

While the symptoms of this yeast infection are annoying, in most cases they are topical and confine themselves to the head of the penis and the foreskin area. It is when the yeast travels up the urethra that the problems really begin. Once of the first things that can be affected by the Candida yeast is the prostate. Some of the symptoms noticed can be discharge and difficulty in urinating. However, this is only the beginning of the problems that can ensue with an untreated yeast infection.

The yeast can also invade the gastrointestinal system, causing a plethora of problems and conditions, some of which can be quite serious. As the yeast uses sugars as a fuel, a proliferation of yeast will cause gas as a by product of the yeast’s digestive processes, this will also cause bloating. The man may become constipated from the yeast infection, or alternatively, can suffer from diarrhea. Bad breath is also apparent, and indigestion can occur.

As the yeast craves sweets, the man afflicted by a yeast infection will also want to eat sugary foods. Besides obvious things like cakes and candies, the infected man will also want to eat more pasta and potato chips and other snack foods. Seeing a doctor right away when the first external symptoms pressnt themselves can help to prevent the yeast infection from becoming serious.

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